Health & Beauty
Look Like a Beauty Without the Sleep. As we spring ahead again and adjust our internal clocks for Daylight Savings, we must be prepared for those mornings when sleep doesn’t come naturally – a condition known as “Daylight Savings Hangover.” The good news is that there is a way to look refreshed and awake – even if your sleep schedule is in the dumps. Tip 1: Shut it down – electronics that is. Before going to sleep, shut down all electronics – that means TV, computer and, yes, your blackberry. These all are stimulants for the brain, and if you’re answering emails in bed at 10 p.m., you’re going to have a difficult time getting to sleep. Hit the power switch at least an hour before bedtime. Tip 2: Get up … NOW! Once the alarm goes off, get out of bed immediately. Snoozing is not sleep; it’s just prolonging the inevitable. Tip 3: So now that you’re up – do something. Try a morning workout to get motivated and feel energized for the day. Take a quick run or hit an early...