The most problem of education inequality in the world. Malcolm X once said that “Education is the passport to the future.” But what if some passports are better than others, giving the holder access to better schools and teachers and, in turn, a more prosperous future? These inequalities have been around long before Covid-19, and yet, the pandemic has both exacerbated them and made them more visible. While the standard of education varies greatly globally, education inequality happens at the local level in all countries. For example, only four out of every 100 children in Africa is expected to enter a graduate and postgraduate institution, compared to 14 out of 100 in South and West Asia and 36 out of 100 in Latin America. Even in developed countries, the quality of schooling can differ greatly, whether rich or poor. High national wealth then, is no guarantee of high equality. The U.K., Germany and the U.S. are among t...
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